Contact us

Thymuskin offers you a realistic assessment of your personal situation based on over 35 years of experience - even before you buy.

It is important for us to give you a realistic assessment of the results you can expect in your individual situation. This however without guarantee, thank you for your understanding.

In case of hair loss problems, we recommend to consult your doctor. The Thymuskin Hair Consultation and our recommendation does not replace the diagnosis and consultation by a physician.

Please provide following information for personal consultation:

  1. Gender (male, female)
  2. Age (ca.)
  3. Cause or diagnosis if available or describe symptoms
  4. For how long do you have the problem?

Hair loss can have many causes. If the problem persists, seek professional advice from your doctor or pharmacist. The information and advice on these pages do not replace a visit to the doctor and do not represent a medical diagnosis.