Hair loss through chemo­therapy

Hair loss through chemotherapy, also called Alopecia Medicamentosa. The cytostatic drugs administered during chemotherapy result in the loss of head hair (mostly reversible).

Medication can prevent the growth of hair roots.

Cytostatic drugs are a group of drugs that inhibit cell growth or cell division and, as a side effect, influence the activity of the hair follicles.

Normally, the hair that has fallen out (usually baldness) grows back on its own about 3 months after the end of chemotherapy. However, more and more often there is a persistent hair growth disorder.

Haarausfall Frau Chemotherapie / Hair loss woman chemotherapy

Hair roots are attacked

Today, however, stronger chemotherapies are predominantly used, so that hair loss often cannot be avoided. As a result, growth disorders occur more and more frequently. The hair grows back irregularly, only in places or diffusely. Many of those affected suffer from the growth disorders for years after the chemotherapy.

The use of Thymuskin accelerates the regeneration process and supports sustainable, even and natural hair growth.

Haarausfall nach Chemotherapie Verlauf Mann / Hair loss through chemotherapy progression man

Typical progression

In most cases, total hair loss is experienced approximately 3-5 weeks after the first chemotherapy. However, milder courses are ideally characterized by moderate hair loss.

Course with the application of THYMUSKIN®

6-month chemotherapy for breast cancer (mamma carcinoma). Start of care with Thymuskin Forte Shampoo & Serum 6 weeks after start with chemotherapy. New hair regrowth already visible during chemotherapy after 5 month.

Haarausfall in Folge einer Chemotherapie / Hair loss through chemotherapy

Complete hair loss 1 month after starting chemotherapy.

Start Thymuskin application 6 weeks after beginning.*

Haarausfall nach Chemo und 6 Wochen Behandlung mit Thymuskin / Hair loss after chemo and 6 weeks with Thymuskin

Significant hair growth 4 weeks after end of chemotherapy.*

Haarausfall nach Chemo und 2 Monaten Behandlung mit Thymuskin / Hair loss after chemo and 2 months with Thymuskin

Further increasing growth of hair 2 month after end of chemotherapy.*

Thymic peptide technology

The patented active ingredient complex GKL-02 contained in Thymuskin consists of non-animal thymic peptides.

The biological activity of Thymuskin is particularly evident in the activation of the hair cells (keratinocytes), which have a decisive influence on the growth of the hair. Hair formation is stimulated.

Selection & Application

In the case of baldness or with cases where only a few patches of hair are left, we recommend using Thymuskin Classic Shampoo in combination with Thymuskin Forte Serum Gel.

Thymuskin Classic Serum is also suitable for preventive use or in the case of low-dose chemotherapy. suitable. Choose the Thymuskin Shampoo that best suits your hair type.

Use until the hair has regrown evenly and in its natural structure.

Bald areas should also be cleaned and prepared with Thymuskin Shampoo before using Thymuskin Serum.

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»I highly appreciate the intensive personal advice that I was able to experience here. That helped me to work through the discouraging phases that occurred during the treatment time. Many Thanks!«

Gabriele T., Thymuskin customer

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* Open application observation Thymuskin, Mannheim, 2017

Frau mit Zopf / Woman with braid

The psychological effect is still often underestimated today.

There is a growing number of affected women, especially in breast cancer. You can also find some reports on this in the customer voices.

Customer voices